1. Wanderlust, 2020
acrylic, charcoal, graphite and collage on canvas, 102 x 76 cm w
(Private Collection, Singapore)
2. Days of Youth, 2018
acrylic, charcoal, graphite and collage on canvas, 91 x 122 cm w
(Personal Collection, Singapore)
3. Traverse, 2017
acrylic, charcoal, graphite and collage on canvas, 50.8 x 50.8 cm w
(Private Collection, Singapore)
4. Then Came the Rain, 2017
acrylic, charcoal, graphite and collage on canvas, 91 x 122 cm w
(Personal Collection, Singapore)
5. Soar, 2018
acrylic, charcoal, graphite and collage on canvas, 76 x 76 cm w,
(Private Collection, Singapore)
6. Calm, 2018
acrylic, charcoal, graphite and collage on paper, 30.5 x 30.5 cm w
(Private Collection, Singapore)
7. Poems to the Sea, 2018
acrylic, charcoal, graphite and collage on canvas, 15 x 15 cm w
(Private Collection, Japan)
8. Bathing in Your Light, 2019
acrylic, charcoal, graphite and collage on canvas, 76 x 76 cm w
(Personal Collection, Singapore)
9. Midsummer in Joensuu, 2017
acrylic, charcoal, graphite and collage on canvas, 91 x 30.5 cm w
(Private Collection, Singapore)
10. Marooned, 2017
acrylic, charcoal, graphite and collage on canvas, 91 x 30.5 cm w
(Private Collection, Singapore)
11. Sunset to Embarcadero, 2020
acrylic, charcoal, graphite and collage on canvas, 76 x 76 cm w,
(Private Collection, Luxembourg)
12. Bloom, 2020
acrylic, charcoal, graphite and collage on canvas, 91 x 122 cm w
(Private Collection, Singapore)
13. Magis, 2018
acrylic, charcoal, graphite and collage on canvas, 91 x 122 cm w
(Private Collection, Singapore - from Breathing exhibition)
14. Faith,2018
acrylic, charcoal, graphite and collage on canvas, 61 x 46 cm w
(Private Collection, Singapore - from Breathing exhibition)
16. Nori, 2018
acrylic, charcoal, graphite and collage on canvas, 91 x 91 cm w
(Private Collection, Singapore - from Breathing exhibition)
17. Rhapsody in Blue, 2018
acrylic, charcoal, graphite and collage on canvas, 122 x 91 cm w
(Private Collection, Singapore - from Breathing exhibition)
18. Otis, 2021
acrylic, charcoal, graphite and collage on canvas, 18 x 22.5 cm w
(Private Collection, Singapore)
19. Blue Light, 2021
acrylic, charcoal. graphite and collage on canvas, 122 x 91 cm w
(Private Collection, Singapore)
15. Ipsum, 2018
acrylic, charcoal, graphite and collage on canvas, 91 x 30.5 cm w
Private Collection, Singapore -from Breathing exhibition)
20. Things the Wind Catches, 2022
acrylic, charcoal, graphite and collage on canvas, 76 x 76 cm w
(Private Collection, Singapore)
21. Jacques, 2022
acrylic, charcoal, graphite and collage on canvas, 65 x 54 cm w
(Private Collection, Singapore)